Thursday, November 14, 2013

And it begins

I should probably provide some background on this blog, why I'm undertaking it, and what it will contain before jumping in.

For the most part, I've been inspired by recent news articles on the food stamp program, as well as my own "cheap" cooking.  More on my "other" cooking in coming posts, but the food stamp articles fall into two categories, one (washington post) that references the difficulties in eating healthy on food stamps and coming cuts to the programs, and two (ljworld) that shows "rich" people challenging themselves to live on food amounting to about $30 a week, like the amount a food stamp recipient would receive.

Although a lot bothers me about each of these articles and what they say about our society, I feel more challenged "solve" food stamp living.  In real life I work as an analyst building statistical computer models to solve real world problems.  I see problems, though different in content,  similar in structure to the food stamp problem.

Unfortunately I don't have enough supermarket data to build an algorithm that maximizes nutrition, variety and total food.  If I did, this project would be simple.  Instead I'll put together a generalized system of strategies to live on $30 a week in food money.

If I'm lucky, it might be a good resource to aid the strategy of food stamp recipients.  At the very least it's a fun project that fits into my cheap cooking habit.  Over time, this blog will likely morph into documenting my weird cooking hobbies.  As an example, here's a picture of a recent creation, beef heart seared in bacon fat, over a bed of onions.  (with, for some reason, chicken tikka masala on the other side of the plate)

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