Monday, November 18, 2013

End of First Day Summary

Eating on a food stamp diet went well today.  Here's a breakdown:

Breakfast: Plain rice.  I've never been a huge breakfast guy, and this seemed to hold me together pretty well.
Lunch: Two packages of ramen with ham added.  A bunch of baby carrots. 

Dinner: Rice, ham, a few black beans, and some more baby carrots.

The food was good and mostly nutritious (save for the ramen), and I feel good sitting here at the end of the day. 

Also, tonight I cooked some of my meals for the week.  I don't really do recipes, but here's a summary of what I've made/am in the process of making:

  1. Sweet potato chips:  peel, slice thin, and dehydrate the sweet potatoes.
  2. Chili roasted chicken: take chicken parts, throw them in dutch oven with chili powder.  Sear the skin on stove, and throw in oven for a couple of hours.
  3. Ham fried rice:  just make normal fried rice, except with ham.  Throw in some carrots if you're feeling daring.
  4. Black bean kale soup:  throw cooked black beans, raw kale, and chicken broth from roasted chicken in blender.  Puree.  Eat cold.
  5. Kale greens:  make traditional southern greens recipe, use chicken fat from (2) above, and some fatty left-over ham parts.

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